From Doubter to Believer

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Every person will at some point have to deal with disappointment and rejection. Athletes will have to add injuries to the list. When you’re injured you unfortunately automatically drop in terms of priority for selection and performance can for a long time be impacted by injuries. Therefore, rejection is definitely one of the biggest silent struggles the athletes deal with. But what if you’re fully fit? How do you deal with it then? And how does this affect you as an athlete, but also as a person outside of the sport? In this episode we will be discussing Sophie’s experience with rejection, how this affected her on and off the pitch and how honest self-reflection has got her into the strong mental state she is in today. We will be highlighting how Sophie took it upon herself to find help to get back the “old Soph”, what role her family played in all this and we will be sharing her biggest life lessons she learnt from fighting for validation.

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