Kroos is back to pulling the strings

Show notes

Every football team will most likely at some point go through a transition phase in which many senior players are replaced by younger, upcoming talents. The question herewith often lies in the timing of such transition. When is the right time for such a transition and what value does experience play over energetic feistiness. How would you look to put together your squad if you had the choice and what role does actual footballing skill play in your composition? In this week’s episode, we will be taking a closer look at the men’s German National Team that has quite clearly undergone a fair few transitions in the last couple of years. Here, we will be discussing the importance of the balance between senior and junior players within the squad and will be addressing the importance of anticipating and allowing for a re-build phase. Lastly, we will be highlighting the value of communication and clarity regarding the players’ roles and responsibilities in fostering healthy competition and high performance behaviours.

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