It's time to take control

Show notes

As our final episode before Christmas and therefore our final episode for this year, we are taking this opportunity to do a review of 2023. After a very eventful year both personally and professionally, we will be discussing each of our highlights and will be addressing potential low points of the year. What made us happy this year? What are we proud of and what are we looking forward to in the upcoming year? How did we deal with these mentioned low points and what role did family pay for both of us in 2023? Despite our career highlights being very different we both very much agree that not only the birth of Oli’s daughter and him marrying his wife but most importantly the amount of precious family time we managed to all spend together has made this year extra special and makes us very much look forward to Christmas and the year 2024. Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year! See you in 2024!

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