Conform or Perform?

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“She doesn’t even look like an athlete”. “There’s nothing to her. How can she even tackle anyone?” “She must have been hitting the gym lately”. These are the comments we’ve all heard at some point - whether directed at us directly or our teammates. Unfortunately, we have developed an ideology of what a female footballer should look like. Skinny and attractive but not too skinny. Strong and athletic but not too bulky. Who cares! What should really matter is what you perform like on the pitch. How many runs in behind you can make. How many 1-vs-1 duels you win and how many headers you score based on your aerial dominance. In this episode we will be discussing the topic of body composition in sport. We will be looking at how body composition can be used to support performance improvements and how the lack of understanding and knowledge in this area can lead to a downward spiral of the everlasting desire to be skinny and to fit the “golden standard”.

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